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Toorak Basketball Club is open to both boys and girls aged between 6 and 20 years with any skill level, including those who have never played basketball.

We currently have over 30 teams competing across two competitions. We also provide options for training-only memberships.


Click here to enquire about joining a team





- Primary school aged competition (years 1-6)

- Boys and girls teams

- Grade 4 and below play Friday

- Grade 5 & 6 play Tue or Wed

- Main competition venue is MSAC 


Playball is an after-school basketball competition for primary school aged children (Years 1 to 6).  With 20 teams across all year levels, Toorak Basketball Club is one of the premier clubs in the Playball competition.


The competition runs year round across the four school terms (not during school holidays).  The competition effectively runs two seasons: 'Season one' runs across terms 1 and 2. 'Season two' runs across terms 3 and 4.


Depending on numbers, we accept new registrations for season one until February and season two until early August.


For grade 1 players, there is no competition in Term 1. The teams attend training and practice matches to learn the game and get familiar with environment. Competition for grade one players commences in term 2.




- Open to all age groups (from under 9 to under 21)

- Boys and girls teams

- All games are played Saturday (except Boy under 16-18 on Sunday)

- Competition venues: Chadstone & Oakleigh

- Summer / Winter seasons


Waverley Basketball Junior Competition has two major seasons per year.  Their Summer Season runs from October to March during school terms four and one, breaking over the Summer holidays, and their Winter Season runs from March to October during school terms two and three.


The competition consists of boys and girls teams from Under 8 to Under 18 age groups.  Games are at the Waverley Basketball Stadium (Corner Batesford Road and Power Avenue Chadstone) and the Oakleigh Recreation Centre (2A Park Road Oakleigh).


Toorak Basketball Club has a growing presence within this competition with over 10 teams competing in most age groups.



We offer training-only memberships for players who aren't yet ready to commit to competition. This provides them with the opportunity to build confidence in a team environment.


We offer a single semester training-only membership that covers insurance and expert coaching for $160 per player.


Prior to joining the club, players may attend two training sessions free of charge.

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